BioPharmaChem Skillnet

Women in STEM summit 2023

Women in STEM summit 2023

We are honoured to be moderating a round table at the Women in Stem Summit 2023 which is being held on Wednesday March 15th in Croke Park, Dublin

Dr Margaret Kennedy Managing Director, Kennedy Insights will speak on Breaking Barriers: The WiLD effect on shifting women’s mindsets and trajectories in pharma leadership

She will give an Overview of the WiLD program and its objectives, the success stories and case studies of women who have participated in the program and experienced positive shifts in their mindsets and career trajectories. The barriers that women in the pharma industry face when it comes to advancing into leadership roles and the strategies for overcoming those barriers, both at the individual and organisational levels as well as the role of mentorship and sponsorship in supporting women’s leadership development

For more information